Revolutionizing Bookkeeping: A New Era of AI for Entrepreneurs

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Join as we democatize bookkeeping for entrepreneurs and small business owners with our free cutting-edge AI-enhanced app! As we gear up for the development phase, we're excited to announce our Kickstarter campaign launch.

For every supporter you bring to our campaign, you'll earn a generous 10% affiliate commission. This means if you drive $10,000 in contributions you'll receive a $1,000 commission. With AI technology taking the world by storm and Kickstarter campaigns hitting record-breaking numbers, this is your chance to be part of something big. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to join forces with us and make a difference!

You're an ideal influencer if you have an early adopter tech savvy audience, self-employed, or entrepreneurs. This is an opportunity to mention our brand and our campaign to drive campaign contributions. The better aligned your audience is to our mission and product the better you will do. 

We go live on 5/13/24. View our Kickstarter page @

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